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It is wonderful that another lawsuit has been filed challenging laws passed by cities that fail to protect their citizens yet violate the state and federal constitution! California RSOL looks forward to working together with attorney Riordan in this effort.

I hope it cost these cities a fortune defend.

It’s about time someone is doing something about all these unconstitutional laws and ordinances. I used to have the same mindset about “sex offenders” that these guys do… “they’re all monsters”.. until I educated myself on the subject and realized that yes there are “some” monsters … but most sex offenders got stuck with the title over something most men (and sometimes women) have done in their life time as well.. we’re sexual human beings… it’s our nature.. I don’t condone molestation of any child …. but alot of sex offenders charges don’t have anything to do with children… there should be a tiered system.. everyone shouldn’t get stuck with the same restrictions if everyone’s case is unique. It should be on a case by case basis..

Great job….we suppoty you with money and pray….. keep going and let us know how we can help you more
I am sure result of this Lawsuit will be n our favor….

Wow, the lawyer representing the plaintiff is a dream come true. This is a man who is deeply committed to his causes and doesn’t mess around! The bottom line is this. You can’t convict anyone of a crime, punish them, place them on parole/probation and then require or ban them from visiting public places where they have a right to visit! Thats nuts. This is amazing news.

Just because someone passes a law does not mean it is moral, legal or right. This may be the start of politicians starting to think of laws that are actually useful and legal rather than “feel good, so please re-elect me”.

Your right David, however not only do individual cases matter, but arrests and convictions differ greatly from county to county, court room to court room.

And those that do claim innocent and insist on going to trial, risk additional charges being added and jail or prison time. Many just give up and agree to a plea agreement due to the fact that the prison sentences are so unrealistic.

Once in court, district attorneys can and do lie. They make things up (and allowed to do so) They don’t have to prove anything, just trying to sway a jury into believing their side of it. They just want to win at all costs. How can we call this justice?

I am so shocked at the ignorance of our officials. The whole system is out of whack. I think about this alot. And if someone in a family did want to seek help, how can they? Everyone is a mandated reporter. I am assuming this is not making families safer. It’s like a double edged sword.

Most offenses are not some horrible shocking crime. Most, involved underage teens and consensual acts. If these men are so dangerous, then I say we put every single guy who was over three years older then his girlfriend and had contact with her while she was not yet 18, on the list. I certainly don’t condone it, but the punishment should fit the crime, and those that are mentally ill should be able to seek the help they so desperately need by qualified professionals. Not Correctional, Probation and Parole officers.

I think it is a crime for these district attorneys, county supervisors, and city councils to pass laws when they themselves are using only the “fear factor” and assumptions that they themselves have only heard from the media. If they are public officials then they have an obligation to get all the facts and information, looking at it from all sides, before enacting laws that are unconstitional.

It’s about time!!!! Too much time has been wasted in waiting for the Civil Liberties Union to step up to the unfairness of laws against human beings. I am sending money now to support this important issue of freedom for people who have done their time, are not a threat to society, but are forever branded something evil.

There are four more signatures needed in the petition in this website .. If you haven’t already signed, please do! It will be delivered to the O.C. DA once it reaches 500!!

What about my children’s Halloween? I have a 21 year old an 18 year old and an 11 year old. What about their Halloween. What about “their” freedom to live life? My conviction which was bogus as hell was in 1989 before any one of them was born. What about them HUH?